
Kendhikulhudhoo Council is an independent and autonomous body that derives its legal authority from the Decentralisation Act (Law no. 7/2010) of the Maldives. Empowered to own property and to incur liabilities, the Council has devolved powers of self governance and decision making, as well as financial autonomy. With the ratification of the Act, all functions and assets of the former Kendhikulhudhoo District Offices were transferred to N. Kendhikulhudhoo Council


"Our Vision: Building a Thriving and Resilient Community through Holistic Development and Service Excellence" At Kendhikulhudhoo Council, our vision is to create a vibrant and sustainable community that thrives on the principles of progress, well-being, and inclusivity. We are committed to providing all essential municipal services, ensuring the safety and security of our residents, spearheading infrastructure development, and fostering stable health and economic activities on the island. Comprehensive Municipal Services: We strive to deliver high-quality municipal services that meet the diverse needs of our community. From waste management to water supply, road maintenance to public transportation, we are dedicated to ensuring a clean, well-maintained, and efficient living environment for all residents. Safety and Security: The safety and security of our residents are paramount. We aim to establish a robust and responsive security system that promotes a sense of safety and peace within the community. Through effective coordination with law enforcement agencies, community engagement initiatives, and the implementation of modern technology, we seek to create a secure and harmonious living environment. Infrastructure Development and Planning: Recognizing the importance of a well-planned and modern infrastructure, we are committed to strategic development and planning. We aim to enhance the island's physical environment by focusing on sustainable and resilient infrastructure solutions. This includes the improvement of roads, bridges, public spaces, utilities, and other vital amenities to support the evolving needs of our community. Stable Health and Economic Activities: We understand the direct impact that stable health and economic activities have on the well-being of our residents. Our council is dedicated to promoting and supporting accessible healthcare services, including clinics, healthcare facilities, and health education programs. Additionally, we aim to foster a conducive environment for economic growth by encouraging entrepreneurship, facilitating investment opportunities, and promoting sustainable livelihoods. Through collaboration, transparency, and innovation, we envision Kendhikulhudhoo Council as a beacon of progress, providing exceptional municipal services, ensuring the safety and security of our residents, driving sustainable infrastructure development, and nurturing stable health and economic activities. Together, we will create a community where every individual can thrive and enjoy a high quality of life.


"Our Mission: Empowering Communities through Transparent, Quality Services and Digital Innovation for Sustainable Development" At Kendhikulhudhoo Council, our mission is to serve our citizens with utmost transparency, ensuring the delivery of high-quality services that cater to their needs. We are dedicated to embracing digitalization, improving service efficiency, and fostering close collaboration with government institutions to provide comprehensive services and economic opportunities that contribute to the well-being and development of our society. Transparent and Quality Services: We are committed to upholding transparency as a core value in our operations. Our mission is to provide open and accountable governance, ensuring that citizens are informed and engaged in decision-making processes. By prioritizing quality in all our services, we aim to exceed expectations, delivering efficient and effective solutions that meet the evolving needs of our community. Digital Innovation and Service Speed: Recognizing the transformative potential of technology, we strive to embrace digital innovation. Through the development and implementation of digitalized service platforms, we aim to enhance accessibility, speed, and convenience for our citizens. By leveraging modern technologies, such as online portals, mobile applications, and digital communication channels, we seek to streamline processes and improve service delivery. Collaboration with Government Institutions: We recognize that sustainable development requires close cooperation and harmonious partnerships. We are dedicated to working closely and coherently with all government institutions, fostering synergy and leveraging collective strengths to provide comprehensive services. By collaborating on policy formulation, resource-sharing, and joint initiatives, we aim to create an enabling environment that supports the well-being of our citizens and drives societal progress. Economic Opportunities and Development: We understand the crucial role that economic opportunities play in uplifting communities. Our mission is to actively identify and promote favorable conditions for economic growth, entrepreneurship, and job creation. By facilitating investments, supporting local businesses, and fostering a favorable business environment, we aim to enhance the economic well-being of our citizens and drive sustainable development on the island. As Kendhikulhudhoo Council, we are dedicated to empowering our communities through transparent, quality services, digital innovation, and collaborative efforts with government institutions. We aim to provide accessible and efficient services, cultivate economic opportunities, and ensure the overall development of our society. By embracing these principles, we strive to create a prosperous and inclusive community where the aspirations of our citizens are realized, and their quality of life is enhanced.